After Jim Morrison

Children are born navigators.
The have crossed torrid wetlands,
Slept in tombs full of water,
Made love with the dark
Before they open eyes and see
The mutiny of mundane days,
Waiting for the dying
Of their own innocence.        
They seek manhood,
Enlightenment in a gun, as if
To bury the young years
Of questionings ? what small
Desires do they attempt to know,
Maybe taste, to escape the sin
Of ignorance? After all,
To kill childhood is a ritual
Of cities mired of many unnamed
Deaths, countless for memory
To be exhumed. After all,
Children grow up to become
Men who go out on ships
And carry the womb of their mothers,
Shields from the dangerous initiations
Of a world unknown to sailors,
The beating heart of a lost jungle
Undiscovered, wilderness untamed.
To watch the placenta of evening stars,
Children of men would want
To drift off back to seas
They first knew of home.
Only now, the water has dried out
For them to swim, feel in relief
Lapping waves growing old
Trying to reach heaven, lest touch.

By Ian Salvaña

Ian Salvaña finished his Bachelor of Arts (AB) in Political Science and is currently doing his MA in Development Studies at the Ateneo de Davao University. His works have been published or are forthcoming in The Brown Orient, Eunoia Review, Sustaining the Archipelago: An Anthology of Philippine Ecopoetry, and other journals and anthologies. He is a fellow to the Ateneo National Writers Workshop, the Davao Writers Workshop, and the Ateneo de Davao Summer Writers Workshop.

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