because it is the last day
of the in-house semester
the first
after a debilitating year
when I was twenty
& close to graduating
all I wanted
was to move out
& get a job
my diploma
was good for
at twenty-two
all the students ask
is Christmas
with their families
& a future
they no longer have to pray
somewhere outside campus
they held a box
of pastries
& they huddled around it
the same way
in laboratory class
they saw crystals
real crystals
& saw them glittering
as they took turns
the microscope
something little
can hold
so much
they opened the box
each of them
taking a piece of pastry
examining it
putting it in their mouths
their other hand
catching every crumb
that fell
from each bite
how beautiful
to see joy
picked up
held in their fingers
just like that
I wish
that the box
would never
run out
I wish
I could see them

By Andre Aniñon

Andre Aniñon is a poet, teacher, and medical technologist from Amlan, Negros Oriental. His work has appeared in Revolt Magazine, Kathang Haka: Big Book of Fake News, and Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine. He is currently taking up his master's degree in public health at Silliman University, Dumaguete City.

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