Check out the creative nonfiction and essays from 21st-century Filipino authors published in Katitikan: Literary Journal of the Philippine South.
“Te, tabangi ko bi,” is a phrase that echoes frequently through my household. It’s a magical phrase, you see, consisting of words that transfix me…
My dad died five months ago on November 7th. Ever since his passing, I loved wearing makeup. My mom would wake me up at…
I have always been fascinated with poetry that traverses the terrains of the physical, natural world, and attendant to the world of experience, of the…
for Kuya Kutsinta Every Sunday after mass at my Protestant church, a kuya would shout unto church-comers to buy his kutsinta, sold in a white,…
Recently, I discovered a poem entitled “Aswang” by Barbara Jane Reyes. Readings of the poem relate it to the subversive nature of powerful women. But…