Author: Andre Aniñon
The students are overjoyed
because it is the last day of the in-house semester the first after a debilitating year online when I was twenty & close to graduating all I wanted was to move out & get a job my diploma was good for at twenty-two all the students ask is Christmas with their families & a future…
Lesson in Immunology
When a foreign pathogen enters the body, the body primes itself for its defense. Three things happen: first, its recognition of the enemy; then, a proliferation of cells; before finally, the attack. Some cells will die after this exchange, but those that remain will remember the pathogen, ready if it ever comes back. Here, the…
A friend asks if I’ve been writing
& I laugh, a small, muffled laugh, unsure if thinking about writing counts as writing. Emptiness is part of the process, I think. Silence, a more sensible response than words. Between grad school requirements, a hundred students, & a crumbling world, how does something so airless & immaterial find its way to demand space?