Short Stories / Fiction in English

Check out these fiction / short stories in English written by Filipino writers.

  • Echoes of Pasig

    Pasig River?s decline was said to be infamous. This was something else. Eunice had promised that the ferry would undercut traffic by hours. Orife believed her, unfamiliar as he was to the congested spaces of the metropolis. He found, however, that her alternative was less reassuring. The ferry docks appeared abandoned. They sat next to…

  • Rectokado

    Hermoso wakes up wishing he had a different life. He flirts with getting hair replacement therapy as he combs over his bald spot in the mirror. He is 45, has two teenage daughters who won?t listen to anything he says and a wife who refuses to have sex with him anymore.  ?By the time our…

  • Amongst the Bissayans of Zvbv

    Sanctified, Caesarean, Catholic Majesty, the Emperor Don Phelippe, Our Lord King: May the grace, peace, and loving kindness of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with YourMajesty Don Phelippe, by the grace of God King of Castilla, León, Aragón, the twoSicilies, Jherusalem, Navarra, Granada, Toledo, Valencia, Galicia, Mallorca, Sevilla,Cerdeña, Córdoba, Córçega, Muria, Jaém, the Algarves, Algezira,…

  • Geriatrics

    I was seventy-seven come August,  I shall shortly be losing my bloom;I’ve experienced zephyr and raw gust  And (symbolical) flood and simoom. When you come to this time of abatement,  To this passing from Summer to Fall,It is manners to issue a statement As to what you got out of it all. So I’ll say, though reflection unnerves me  And…

  • HEXOPUS: The Six-Limbed Lad

    Synopsis It’s the start of summer vacation in the quiet little coastal municipality of Sto. Domingo, and thirteen-year-old Paul Pelegrino, a boy born with six limbs, four arms and two legs, can’t wait to enjoy waking up late and spending afternoons at the beach. His last day of school, unfortunately, is marred by a brawl…