He was pumping air into his wife’s lungs

when I arrived. She lay on a steel bed,


and I, their grandnephew, appealed to a nurse

for some warmth, at least a blanket. In this dim room


metal and glass barely glistened. One midnight,

when I was young, he woke me up to catch crabs.


With ease he dismantled the pyramid of rocks

that sheltered the shelled creatures under their stilt house.


I held the torch as he hauled a bucket filled with knocks

and clatters, and when we reached the sandbar


he said, Take a look, and put out the fire. In the dark

the sea and sky blurred, but beneath our feet


the sand and seaweed shimmered. The stronger

you stirred them, the brighter the bluish lights


they created, the longer they lasted. Now here he was,

my granduncle—as strong as ever, squeezing


the Ambu bag to resuscitate his dying wife.

She would survive, but would be bedridden for life.


On her headboard he would fix a handwritten note:

My dearest wife, I love you. Forever and ever.


But tonight, in this starless room, he stirred on—

to keep the bluish lights glowing for a moment more.

By Jade Mark B Capiñanes

Jade Mark B Capiñanes won third prize in the Essay Category of the 67th Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature for his essay 'A Portrait of a Young Man as a Banak.' He is the author of the satirical chapbook series 'Vince & Kath & Derrida,' which was named as one of the Best Filipino Books of 2017 by CNN Philippines. He was a writing fellow for essay/creative nonfiction at the 2016 Davao Writers Workshop and the 2017 University of Santo Tomas (UST) National Writers Workshop. His works have appeared in Dagmay, Young Blood 6, New Mandala, and Cotabato Literary Journal, where he once served as nonfiction editor. Formerly an editorial assistant at his alma mater's research office, he currently works as a research assistant for a project focused on the Bangsamoro in Mindanao. He also serves as the chairperson of Pangandungan, a writers group in General Santos City.

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