Author: Hezron Pios

  • Across the Multiverse

    after Everything, Everywhere, All At Once after Alyza Taguilas To escape this bubble in the cosmic foam    of existence, I verse jump. To get to the part where I’m directing a Hiligaynon short film,    I lick my armpit. To aim for inheritance from a billionaire mayor, I split on the floor.    To rise out of…

  • Hip-hop in the Time of Appendicitis

    what you don’t know can hurt youwhat you don’t know can turn your bodyagainst you—Brian Russell Blessed are those with low pain tolerance: The world drops you mid-air then asks, Are you alright? In 2014, my name got crossed out of a lineupconsisted of 12 members for an interschool dance competition I dreamtof joining since sophomore…

  • Infinite Backyard Choreography

    Consider to pocket this moistLayer of loam: a cache of glass, Ore, bones before the banyaga Rattles the ground. The myth Describes a gentry of anitos Walked this very earth, sated With salamanca. It should beA given that we’ve sculptedEnough idols in our mind