Author: F Jordan Carnice
Two Poems
Pony Ride At the emergency room, trauma and tragedy slip in and out of the door. Here is a carousel of chances, lifeline gliding and bobbing in circles. Maybe we are all clowns for even trying. Sideshow oddities making a mark under the great big top of this cosmic joke. Applause and lion’s roar,…
Sky Over Cairns
I wake up from my seat to a suddenblue blasting from the window.The sky looks certain as azure,if not for its scant escort of cloudsand the crepuscular raysescaping through them.Perhaps requisite at this hour,perhaps proofs of something moredivine?an assurance thateverything is all well and all right. Six hours earlier I took offat 11:30PM from a…
Cleaning the Attic
Around two or three silverfishes dartamong the pulverized lizard eggshellsat the bottom of the box. Gliding into corners,hiding from view. I pull my hand away,eventually learning the shockmight be much more real to themthan it is for me: a lesson in consolation.Here I keep what I hold on to untilmemory thins into anomalous relics:tattered journals,…